0.11 Patreon release

the update is a little on the late side this time (sorry about that). But it's a beefy one once again. I hope all of you enjoy!


  •  New lines! a total of around 1000 new lines has been added. It's getting pretty beefy along with the mods that have been trickling in. They're pretty spread out over the different aspects of the game.
  •  You can now get punished with a linewriting task during the session. Normally this can happen only once per session, similar to the tagging punishment.
  •  Both the censoring and hypnosis have gotten some visual changes.
  •  A long overdue confirm check on pressing "I came".
  •  Media now pulses with every strokebeat, this can be toggled from the main menu.
  •  UI scales properly on different screen sizes.
  •  The media that gets picked now holds a slight regard for the nudity of the media.
  •  EverEdge will sometimes choose to pick a more explicit or less explicit media rather than just the random ones.

     This is based on both the strokespeed and the mood of the domme, faster and happier means more explicit.

    For this to work properly you will need to have tagged a good bit of medias with their nudity level.

    If you haven't tagged any medias this won't affect you.

For the modders

  • Changed the ACTIVATETAGGER: to ACTIVATETAGGER:X where X is the amount of tags (optional)

    EXAMPLE: "ACTIVATETAGGER:20 just go and tag some stuff"

  • A new ACTIVATEWRITER:X,Y command, where X is the amount of lines (optional), and Y is the vocab to pull the lines from (optional)

    EXAMPLE: "ACTIVATEWRITER:10,@writeTask it seems you haven't repeated enough lines".

  • A new SINGLE: command, SINGLE: will make the line display per word rather than the whole line at once

    EXAMPLE: "SINGLE: these words will be displayed much more quickly but one-by-one".

  • The strobing during hypnosis segments is no longer constant, it can be turned on/off using STROBEON: and STROBEOFF: it'll only apply the effect to users who have the strobe.txt flag.


  •  Fixed a bug that would cause strokers to "stutter" when going from a session to the main menu and then back into the session.
  •  The stroker thread timed out after a while, causing it to stop the stroker.
  •  Fixed a bunch of line errors FOR THE MODDERS, it's been pointed out that I had wrongly named orgasmDecideRuin.txt as ogasmDecideRuin.txt. Check if it's properly named if you've used this in your scripts before.


EverEdge for Windows 376 MB
34 days ago

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